In 2018, 13 Participants, 12 Team and various Formators from around the globe gathered together to undertake a momentous journey. Our journey together over the last two years, across eight intensives, has also seen us walk together in every day life; sharing in the birth of grandchildren, the passing of loved ones, travel and floods.
It allowed us passage into sacred places where we explored everything we thought we knew and understood of ourselves, our faith and the way we perceive the world. This two year journey has been transformative for Participants and Team alike. The House of Prayer and Spirituality would like to congratulate everyone on successfully completing the course. We will continue to be here to support all our graduates who have discerned a call to the Ministry of Spiritual Direction and those who are called to mission in other roles. Our graduation and missioning liturgy may been put on hold for the moment but we will celebrate together at the first opportunity post virus. Comments are closed.
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